
Polly & Hannah's Graduation Party!

Last week Hannah and I had a joint graduation for my graduation from college and her graduation from high school. He had mostly our mutual friends at the party and a lot of yummy food including fruit salad, home made donuts, home made pizza and strawberry limeade! It was extremely windy but we got through it without any rain! My record player was playing as guests arrived and visited with each other and it was really nice to see friends that are graduating, too! I really hope to keep in touch with so many people from U of I, Urbana-Champaign and St. Joseph..... it's a wonderful town to live in while going to college!
 The present and card I made for Hannah for her high school graduation!
 Me and Nico!
 The costume shop graduate students stopped by the party! Thanks for coming guys! I love you all!!!
 Nico and David
David and Joseph! 
Charles, Me, and Nico

*last photo taken by Anna Longworth
love, polly


Anonymous said...

Love you baby, and I loved our party!

Nancy Wilde said...

What a lovely party!

Sammi said...

Aww how lovely! The food looks delicious, and you look beauuuuutiful! I never had a college graduation party for some reason (just a high school one)... I guess because not a lot of people are still around my hometown, heh. :)

xox Sammi

Photostorming said...

Is that your dad who makes pizzas? What a lovely dad!! And this the most sincere party I've ever seen! :)

Anonymous said...

A big congrats on graduating. The food looks great.
blessings, jill

Meg said...

Congrats!! You all look like fun people! :-D Love the pics and the vid! Xo

Anonymous said...

Congratulation for you! :) Love your picture!
Irene Wibowo

Lucia said...

wow congrats! :-D

Jul said...

Aww congratulations! This party looks awesome...and the video made me smile :) I hope you all had lots of fun!
My blog: Life Is A Romantic Poem

Trina M Curran said...

So pretty! I love your dresses!